Saturday, 11 December 2010

Disney and Ideology

(my notes from the lectures and a drawing I did of a slave to modern idealogical systems)

I found it interesting that the 'Disney Paranoia' of which Bill spoke and which (after some research) most defonitely exists, what I also found to be signifigant was that this fear was coming from all sides of the modern idealogical spectrum (our idealogical system in modern day is of worryingly limited pallete so I specifically mean left and right wing) this gave it a little more gravitas in my mind since it no longer seems like an insane extremist view which is how I ususally dismiss most far right wing fears arguments and deranged unintelligible rants [see Glenn Beck below]

(Glenn Beck the most insane of right wing ranters - this guys is hilarious)

There have been many claims of racism, sexism, anti-semitism and shutin-ism within Disney cartoons from both sides, these may be simply paranoid delusions or genuinely important concerns grounded in truth. I will provide some compilations and clips to let you decide for yourself.

Disney is Racist

Disney is Sexist

Disney is Capatalist

Disney is Anti-Semitic

Ok so the last one is just from family guy but I think it demonstrates my point well about the Disney paranoia that exists. With Disney entertainment products being consumed by so many youngsters it is easy to see why.

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